"The Authentic Soul Of Powerful Personal Influence"

Written by Rev Dr John Lutwyche-Clements

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"The Authentic Soul Of Powerful Personal Influence"

- by Rev Dr John Lutwyche-Clements

(c) Rev Dr John Lutwyche-Clements. All Rights Reserved. http://www.BookShaker.com


Personal influence never stops - for better or for worse. We influence others, and they influence us, in some cases even beyond death. Memories of a deceased parent, teacher, preacher, or mentor continue to dwell with us; in fact, their influence may actually increase with time.

Influence can be subtle. Two people might dorepparttar 138936 same thing or sayrepparttar 138937 same words and yet exert very different influences. Don't be blinded by outward appearances. Your inner impressions are a more accurate gauge of genuineness.

Suppose your own character is somewhat less attractive than you'd like. Maybe you're afflicted by such a bad temper that you constantly feel obliged to overcompensate. The dilemma then arises: you can either continue to go through this charade your whole life; or you can decide to be true to yourself.

If you manufacture a mask of friendship to conceal your irritability, you may affect a cheesy grin, a smoothness of tone, a blandness of vocabulary, a careful control of body language - all ruses to transform your overt hostility into covert hostility! Cool onrepparttar 138938 outside; raging hot within! What a wearying way to spendrepparttar 138939 day!

the man who could not say sorry for his sins

Written by malcolm james pugh

Sorry would be a start.

Though you cant take back your mistakes, and you cant unravel time, youd think there would be remorse, for such a self serving crime, to send others out to die, to payrepparttar blood price you have decreed, when its purely posturing and posing, all about vanity and greed, to secure a perceived niche in history, glowing downrepparttar 138863 years, isrepparttar 138864 extent of your ambition, isrepparttar 138865 puny limit of your fears, when those you have sent to die, believing implicitly in you, leave relatives behind who see, that nothing you said was true, there is no thought now for those, whose number you dont count,

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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